All four of our PieH students who sat for their graduating National Exams this year passed. That is impressive, considering that only 30% of Haitians who take the exam pass. Students were not in class most of the year and did not have virtual access to learning. These four graduating seniors studied tirelessly, often without electricity or proper nutrients. They wanted this, badly.
Congratulations to our four graduates. These four now qualify for university. All four of these students want to attend. We would like to provide them with university scholarships. The fee for a year is about $2,000 U.S. (depending on the university and area of study). Before being considered, we asked each student to submit a letter of intent, including expenses for one year. We will be posting their submission letters as we receive them. So look for those coming up soon.
Congratulations to Wagler, Farley, Santana, and Syndie.
Wagler Farley Santana Syndie
Congratulations to all four of these outstanding students. I am proud of all of you for your accomplishment.
THANK YOU, Ray, for your continued support! YOU help make this happen!