We are proud to announce that on September 12, 2021, PieH student Menise Felix will graduate from Nursing School in Haiti.
Nine years ago, we met Menise living in a tent city in Port au Prince, Haiti, where we met many of our PieH families. She was two years short of completing high school classes but couldn’t afford the cost. “Can you please help me?” she asked. We explained that we had already committed our designated funds to other youth.
Within the next six months, one of our students moved from the area because of domestic violence in his home (tent). When we arrived in Port au Prince, Menise visited. She heard of the student leaving the program. “Is there an opening now?” she asked. Menise is persistent.
The rest is history. Menise graduated from high school and passed the national exam, which made her eligible to attend university. Only 4% of Haitians pass the national exam.
Menise wanted to be a nurse in women’s health to help other women. An individual made it financially possible for Menise to attend university. Menise did the hard part.
It’s not easy for anyone to find a job in Haiti, not even with a degree. We want to find an individual or group that would help pay her salary to work in a medical clinic. A full-time position is about $250/month. The donation would benefit both Menise and the community that she would serve. If you are interested, please send us a message.

Menise checks blood pressures during course clinicals. Menise will graduate from nursing school September, 2021